Defend your lab against powerful robots, by summoning mysterious creatures.

Made for UDC Game Jam #31 - Summon


Press P to pause/unpause.
Press M to open/close map.
Press E to interact/end interaction (close window).

Tutorial (short tutorial below)

You are a scientist, attacked by a horde of evil robots. It is too dangerous for you to go outside and fight the robots yourself. But you have a couple of tricks up your sleeve. 

In your lab, there are several shard generators. In order to activate any of them, go to the generator, press E, and click on the upgrade button. First upgrade activates the generator.  Once the generator is activated, it will produce shards over time. Since the generators are quite slow at the beginning, you are able to upgrade them, in order to make them generate shards faster. Upgrading requires a certain amount of coins. Whenever you want to collect the shards earned by your generators, press the collect button in the generator menu.

After collecting a certain amount of shards, you will be able to summon a new creature. Go up to a summoning device, and press "Summon". A new creature will be summonned, which will put it in the summoning device for now. You cannot summon a creature, if there is already a creature in that summoning device.

In your lab, there is a lot of very important screens. Each of these screens is connected to a radar, which displays all - creatures and robots positions and stats. Your lab is located at the centre of the radar, which is where all robots are heading. Once a robot reaches your lab, you lose. 

However, you are able to protect yourself from all these angry robots. If you have summoned a creature, you will be able to see it on the radar. You might notice that it is coloured red at the start, which means it's inside the summoning device and *won't defend your lab*. In order to make the creature defend your lab, you have to move it. You can make a creature move, by clicking on it, and then clicking on a position on the radar, marked with the color green. You cannot place your creatures on the red positions. Once you choose a position for the creature to move to, it will begin moving towards that position. If it there is an enemy inside a creature's range, the two will start fighting. You get coins for defeating enemies.

There are a few more details regarding the radar. Due to bad connection from the lab to the outside world, it only updates around every second, which is why it's not smooth. Moreover, you are able to check out current stats of any entity on the radar, whether it's an enemy or not. Simply click on it, and all it will appear as selected. The radar is also capable of displaying the radius of your creatures. However, remember that the radius of your creature is measured towards the exact centre of any enemy's position, meaning that sometimes it may seem like an enemy is in range of a creature, but in reality it is not. You might also sometimes notice a grey dot on the radar, which is the currently selected creature's target position (the one it moves to). 

While the robots may seem strange, there are a few things that is known about them. They spawn in waves, meaning that there is a certain amount of enemies that spawn on each wave and they appear over time. Unless all enemies of a wave have been defeated, a new wave won't begin. If you survive all of the waves, you win.

You might notice that on the first wave not all the sections of the lab are unlocked. Some of them, are hidden by massive doors, which open only after a certain waves. Rumours have speculated that it's the robots who installed them here.

Additionally, you are able to pause the game using P on your keyboard. You will be able to adjust volume and mouse sensitivity in the pause menu. If you happen to be lost, or unsure where certain things are, you are able to view the map by pressing M on your keyboard (as well as hiding it).

Good luck!

Short Tutorial

Gather shards from generators, and use them to summon creatures in summoning devices. View the battle outside of your lab using screens. From the screens you will be able to navigate your creatures by clicking on them and clicking on the position you want them to move to (only green positions allowed). They will fight robot enemies upon being close to them. You can upgrade generators to earn shards faster. If you click on an entity on the radar it will display all its stats. You get coins for defeating enemies. Your goal is to survive all waves, if an enemy gets to your lab, you lose.

Updated 4 days ago
Published 5 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
GenreStrategy, Action
Tags3D, Tower Defense


Download 90 MB

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